who is your role model?

btawizzle ❤
2 min readOct 1, 2021

According to Wikipedia, A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.

Speaking of role models, who is your current role model? Is it one of your family or relatives? When it comes to young people, they tend to look up to their closest surroundings for inspiration. But it’s also common to see someone that doesn’t have any relation with, such as a celebrity, Athlete, influencer, and many more!

Now if you ask me, who is my role model? I must say I am very eager to answer the question.

I honestly don’t have a solid answer, like if there's one’s life path that I want to copy. But, I may have a more interesting answer for that one. Here it comes!

So, my current role model is Brian Harold May, CBE, Ph.D., FRAS a.k.a Brian May from the band Queen!

Yes! It’s the same Brian who goes around the world for Queen’s tour, as their guitarist. Did you guys know that he has a Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics? Imagine being a musical genius who does a world tour but can manage to earn a Doctor in Astrophysics.

“Accomplished Astronomy student Brian’s Ph.D. studies were stalled when a musical career superseded. The following four decades have seen Queen amass a staggering list of sales and awards with a catalog that consistently tops popularity polls and sees Queen remain the most successful albums act in UK chart history. Brian has penned 22 Queen top 20 hits, among them the powerful ballads ‘Who Wants to Live Forever ’, ‘No-One But You’ and ‘Save Me’, along with anthems ‘The Show Must Go On ’, ‘I Want It All’ and ‘We Will Rock You’.

He retains his keen passion for Astronomy and after a 30-year break returned to Astrophysics to update his doctoral thesis on the Motions of Interplanetary Dust, achieving his Ph.D. from Imperial College, London, in 2007.” (source: brianmay.com)

Isn’t that amazing? Ugh, I am dying to be as cool as him!

When it comes to the “dream I wish to accomplish” in the future, I can’t say I have a concrete answer like “opening a bookstore” or “being a dentist”. There are too many ideas that come to my mind when we talk about it. Even though I felt anxious about it, being the one who doesn’t have a concrete answer on their future life plan, Thinking about Brian May literally lifted my spirit up and banished my worries about the thought!

He proves to us all that we can do more than society asks us to, we can be successful and have a lot of fans and a lot of upcoming tracks to think about but can still manage to do what we want to do, another thing that we also love doing, such as studying Astrophysics!

Don’t stop doing what you love to do, guys!

Enjoy your life and cherish every moment that comes by.

ps: Brian and I are both cancer!! we have matching star sign!! ((hope we have matching energy tho, #cancerians ))



btawizzle ❤

Hi! Enjoy the page ❤ (ps: you can also visit my tumblr -> btawizzle.tumblr.com and TikTok -> bizzyourw1f3 )