The Mist (2017) — Movie Recs

btawizzle ❤
3 min readOct 1, 2021


“The Mist is one of the most disappointing series of the summer. I had great hopes for this adaptation of the classic Stephen King story, but unfortunately, it didn’t meet any of my expectations”

According to some Rotten Tomatoes critics, this show is categorized as above, do you really think so?

The Mist (2017) is a serial based on the classic Stephen King’s horror novel with the same title. The Show is about the deadly mysterious fog that suddenly appears around the town that can practically kill you. People in the town have to save their own life and choose the Mall as their safe place.

Okay, so I just finished watching the whole series and I must say that these guys did a good job of making me curious about the storyline, about what’s going to happen next, and where actually these stories are leading us to. I really can’t stop watching because of curiosity. But to be honest, it really is a 10 episode length of confusion for me. At first, I expected that this show would be thrilling and scary, with that deadly mist outside. After watching the whole show, I think that this show is quite thrilling and has an ok plot, but unfortunately has too much drama for my liking.

In every episode that I watch, I always wonder about what is going on out there? There is plenty of sub-plot that is going round and round along the episodes. I mean, this is supposed to be an adaptation from “The Mist” and it is obvious that The deadly Mist out there is the main character. But in this series, we barely see the presence of the Mist and its profile. Instead, the series put highlights on the lead’s personal life.

What I mean by its profile is the whole explanation or description of the Mist. Why is it happening? Where’s the first place that is contaminated with it? Why is it attacking people? Why are there some people who stay long enough inside the mist but are still alive while some of the others die horribly?

That’s probably the question that keeps circling around my head when I watch the series. I really thought that we will finally get some answers along the way if we keep watching, but it remains questionable until the end of season 1. It seems like the casts are too busy with their own personal problems that they forgot about the mist. Even the mist seems a little bored hanging around waiting for something to happen.

Even though there are many things that remain unanswered, there are a few interesting incidents that happen among the characters and that was quite interesting to watch. Other than that most of it is unexpected jumps and amped-up creepy crawlies, along with a bit of psychodrama that arises between each episode.

Besides that, this show is indeed a hilarious and funny show with a spice of thrilling plot and jump scares that you’d like to watch on a lazy day. Put your expectations down and just enjoy the drama with your pizza and lemonade. Happy watching!

(This post is just purely my opinion & some critics I’ve read on rotten tomatoes, no harm intended in the making )



btawizzle ❤

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